Atenas Theatre & Cinema Seating Specifications
General Description
Seat with wooden outer panel.
Back with wooden outer panel (square) Central metal pedestal; wooden arms.
Technical Details
- Metallic structure of the inner parts and backrest frame.
- End of aisles and centres in beech plywood.
- Central foot.
- Metallic centre of the sides.
- Solid beech armrests.
- Rear part of the backrest in 15mm beech plywood.
- Complete upholstered seat, optional panel covered with 15mm high frequency pressed beech plywood.
- Optional panel covered with 15mm high frequency.
- Self-rising return mechanism seat with a double spring.
- Seat and backrest in a strong open cell foam block for best noise absorption.
- Upholstering system by means of easily changeable covers with clips or Velcro for cheaper maintenance.
- M-1 fire-proof upholstery, option to fire-proof barrier and leather upholstery.
- M-1 varnish.
- ACCESSORIES: Writing pad, moveable writing pad anti-panic system, and numbering of seats and rows.